What do health experts say about Microgreens?
Microgreens are super nutrient-dense, and this Cleveland Clinic article about microgreen research suggests that these may be their most significant health benefits:
- Help manage type 2 Diabetes
- Improve thinking and reasoning
- Lower the risk of heart disease
- Prevent Cancer
- Protect Vision
With a quick search on the health benefits of Microgreens, you can find hundreds of other articles and studies from Universities and nutritionists that expound on the benefits of eating microgreens, which can have up to 40 times the nutritional value of common adult vegetables.
One of the articles on the search will be this University of Maryland Article on Mighty Microgreens, which says, “Feeling a bit under the weather? Need a little pep in your step? A sprinkling of microgreens on your salad or soup might be just what you need.”
With all this research on the health benefits of microgreens, it is frustrating that they are not found in many grocery stores in the US. They are natural nutritional supplements that should be more readily available.
Aquatree Gardens grows the most microgreens
GOOD NEWS: Aquatree Gardens makes it easy to grow a variety of microgreens year-round in your home. These pesticide-free, nutrient-dense microgreens are grown from organic, non-GMO seeds.
Aquatree Garden grows the most microgreens in a compact indoor tabletop space, along with leafy lettuces, herbs, and bean sprouts.
After reading all the nutritional research on microgreens, you’re probably excited about leveling up your health and growing the planet’s most nutritious plants at home year-round.
Aquatree Garden makes it easy to have fresh microgreens always available at home. With free shipping and a 30-day risk-free return policy, you can get one now.
Your Aquatree Garden Options: Use Promo Code Healthy25 to save 20% (offer ends 1/3/25)
Aquatree Garden ATM1: 1 Level Aquatree for growing microgreens and proteins.
Aquatree Garden ATL1: 1 Level Aquatree for growing microgreens, lettuce and proteins.
Aquatree Garden ATL2: (Most Popular) 2 Level Aquatree for growing more microgreens, lettuce and proteins in the same compact space.
NOTE on Aquatree Garden Options: Aquatree Gardens come in 3 options to start. If you want to grow leafy lettuces then you need to get an ATL1 (1 level Aquatree) or a ATL2 (2 level Aquatree). If you start with an ATL1, you can purchase the upgrade kit to level it up to an Two-Level Garden at a later time.