Feed THE Future

Grow Protein Beans in Aquatree

Grow protein bean sprouts with Aquatree Gardens

Looking to get more plant-based protein in your diet? 

Are you eating germinated bean sprouts? 

Aquatree Gardens makes it easy for you to grow fresh germinated bean sprouts year-round. 

Germinated sprouted beans have more readily available protein (see numbers below) and are easier to digest because of enzymes activated during germination. In addition to protein content, sprouting beans improve their nutritional value by increasing the amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they contain.  

Germinating Protein Beans in your Aquatree Garden is automated with continuous water flow, making it easy for anyone to do. Just scoop the bean seeds into the Micro Lid, reusable seed mat, and put the tray on your Aquatree.  

Your protein loaded sprouted beans will be ready to harvest in 48 – 72 hours.

Protein Content for some of our popular Aquatree Bean Seeds: 

Adzuki Bean Sprouts

1 cup of Adzuki Bean Sprouts has 31 grams of protein.

40% DV of iron

17% DV of Vitamin C

Garbanzo Bean Sprouts

Garbanzo Protein Bean Sprouts

1 cup of Garbanzo Beans has 20 grams of protein 

90% DV of Vitamin C 

Green Peas Sprouts

Green Pea Protein Sprouts

1 cup of Green Peas Sprouts has 11 grams of protein

47% DV of Folate (2x more than raw peas)

Lentil Sprouts

Lentil protein bean sprouts

1 cup of  has 7 grams of protein

Sprouting lentils increases their Phenolic content by 122%, which are antioxidant compounds that may have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties.  

Aquatree Gardens also grows Microgreens, Lettuces, and Herbs.

Aquatree Garden is your all-in-one superfood growing system, enabling you to have abundant microgreens, protein beans, and lettuces in a compact space. It is the future of well-balanced nutrition grown in your own home.  

Within just a few days, you can have your continuous fresh source of superfoods on your countertop.  Click here to get your Aquatree Garden today. 

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